Civic Commons is a new way of taking action together on our region’s biggest challenges
About Civic Commons
Civic Commons is an initiative of Seattle Foundation that brings cross-sector collaborators together to take action on Greater Seattle’s biggest economic and social challenges. By lifting up community voices and uniting unlikely partners around mutually agreed goals, Civic Commons is building the infrastructure and collective muscle needed to address the root causes of inequity in our region.
Civic Commons includes several programs:
Black Home Initiative (BHI) is a network of community groups, nonprofits, private companies and government agencies working to generate 1,500 new Black homeowners by 2027.
The Scorecard for Shared Prosperity defines and tracks objective metrics of well-being to allow existing and new efforts to align toward a shared vision and equitable future.
We Belong Here builds people-to-people relationships across sectors and communities to expand our region’s sense of belonging and ability to address challenges. In includes the Greater Seattle Compact for Belonging, a living document that calls on each of us to grow our practice of belonging.
The Democracy Network aims to strengthen participation in civic and political life, based on the conviction that the well-being of our communities is inextricably linked to the well-being of our democracy.