John Creahan

Founder, Cairn Law, PLLC

John graduated from the University of Washington School of Law in the top ten percent of his class (member Order of the Coif) and Brown University.

He is the current President of the Washington Planned Giving Council, and serves on the Development Committees for PATH and the Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation. He is also a member of the King County Library System Planned Giving Committee and is a Seattle Children’s Legacy Advisor.

John is a frequent presenter on topics involving estate planning, business transition, and charitable giving.

Charities often invite John to speak to donors and volunteers about estate planning and charitable giving. In recent years, these charities have included KCTS-9, the Seattle Opera, Swedish Medical Center Foundation, Save the Children, Kadlec Medical Center Foundation, and the Center for Wooden Boats. He has also been a featured presenter at the Washington Planned Giving Council’s Planned Giving Day and the Spokane Estate Planning Council’s annual conference.

Before founding Cairn Law, John was an estate and business planning attorney with Amicus Law Group. Long-time Seattle resident John and his wife, Deb, are actively engaged with several local charities, with a particular interest in animal-related causes.