Harnessing the Power of Us 

By: Alesha Washington

“No one person can do this alone. I cannot do the work that I need to do at this foundation if it were not for a strong and dedicated team of staff, a dedicated and passionate board of directors, and philanthropists, fundholders, folks that come alongside us to also fuel what we’re doing here.”  

I’m incredibly honored to share this mini-documentary with you in this final e-newsletter of the year.

It beautifully captures what’s possible when we recognize the power of the collective us. I hope you will take 15 minutes to hear the stories of grantees working toward A Just Democracy, as well as one of our fundholder’s inspiring words of wisdom. 

As we wind down the year, I simply want to say thank you. Thank you for being a part of Seattle Foundation. Thank you for choosing to partner with us. 

I wish you a joyous holiday season and can’t wait to continue to journey with you in the new year. 

With gratitude, 

Alesha Washington